Pallas Athena Greek Deity Symbol of Wisdom
Pallas Athena Greek Deity Symbol of Wisdom, Warfare and Craft
Athena or known as Pallas, is an ancient Greek deity (goddess) related with warfare, wisdom, and craft. She also became distinguished with the Roman goddess Minerva. Athena was attributed as the protector of Greece, in particular, the city of Athens, from which her name is derived. She is shown in paintings and art, wearing a helmet and sometimes with a spear. Her major motifs include owls, snakes, olives and the Gorgon depicting Medusa.
Her antecedent as an Aegean goddess, Athena was closely linked with the city Athens. Temples erected in her honor were usually located atop in the fortified Acropolis, the central part of the city. Dedicated to this deity is The Acropolis Athenian Parthenon, along with numerous other monuments and pantheons. She was also goddess at war, or fighter, and was believed to place soldiers into battle.
Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, her father is Zeus and believed to be created from his head. In the founding myth of Athens, Athena surpassed Poseidon in a race to oversee the city by creating the first tree, which was an olive tree. She was known as Athena the Virgin, the goddess of heroes; and believed to have also aided Heracles, Bellerophon, Perseus, and Jason. When it comes to deities or goddesses in Greek mythology, Athena was one of three main entities; Hera and Aphrodite. Between these entities, were conflicts that cause enmity among them and thus the Trojan war resulted. In the Iliad, Athena has a part, or an active role, in which she cooperates with the Achaeans. As for the Odysseus (as in the Odyssey).
Athena is believed to have transformed Medusa into a “snake hair” entity, or turned into a Gorgon as it is known.
In politics, war and symbolism, Athena has become a figure of arts, wisdom, and learning. In the Western world, she is often depicted as a symbol of democracy and in some instances, freedom.
Below is a seal showing Athena, it is on 1 Pound Banknote from Scotland (1988) P111G.

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